This news is only a courtesy translation into English of the news written in Spanish with Reference “INVESTIGACIÓN DE MERCADO SUMINISTRO TECNOLOGÍA DE ABATIMIENTO SECUNDARIO DE ÓXIDO NITROSO (N2O)“. Therefore, in the event of any difference between the two versions, the Spanish version shall prevail.
In the context of the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (“NACAG”) initiative, the company Monómeros Colombo Venezolanos S.A. is carrying out a market study and analysis, which aims to determine the conditions for the eventual contracting and supply of secondary nitrous oxide (N2O) abatement technology for its nitric acid production plant located in the Special, Industrial and Port District of Barranquilla, Department of Atlántico – Colombia.
Natural and legal persons (national or foreign companies) are invited to participate in the market research process, in order to determine the cost of goods, equipment and services required by Monómeros, through the submission of a budget quotation, for the procurement and supply of technology for secondary abatement of nitrous oxide (N2O).
At this stage and as a result of the market study/research, the corresponding steps will be taken for the definition and preparation of the previous documents (Terms of Reference) of the contracting process and whose object is the supply of technology for secondary abatement of nitrous oxide (N2O), for the nitric acid plant of Monómeros, located in the Special, Industrial and Port District of Barranquilla, Department of Atlántico – Colombia.
At this stage, and once each of the procedures established by Colombian legislation have been carried out, the publication and launch of the International Open Tender will take place, where the evaluation criteria, deadlines, technical, legal and financial conditions of the contracting process for the supply of secondary nitrous oxide (N2O) abatement technology will be included.
Monómeros Colombo Venezolanos S.A., is pleased to inform the community in general, that on December 18, 2023 the market research phase was successfully completed, and now we are in the process of preparing the final tender documents to launch the licitation process, which is expected to be published in the first week of February 2024. All interested tenders are requested to be attentive and prepared for the launching of the licitation process.
N° | Activities | Responsible | Date | Status |
1 | Publication of the document Request for Information to Suppliers – RFI, Monómeros – 001 of 2023. “Invitation to Quote” together with the annexes on the Monómeros Web Page. | Monómeros | October 25, 2023 | Done |
2 | Deadline for comments and questions on the document Request for Information to Suppliers – RFI, Monómeros – 001 of 2023, and on the supply enquiries, listed in Annex 2. to the e-mail: | Interested Suppliers | November 8, 2023 | Done |
3 | Date of Publication of the document of responses to the comments sent by interested suppliers to the SIP – Request for Information to Suppliers “Invitation to Quotation” and to the queries about the supply, listed in Annex 2. | Interested Suppliers | November 16, 2023 | Done |
4 | Deadline (last day) for submission of questions from interested suppliers about the clarifications and answers issued by Monomeros (second question session). These additional questions must be sent to the email address: | Interested Suppliers | November 21, 2023 | Done |
5 | Publication on the website of the document of responses on the second session of questions and comments made by interested suppliers. | Monómeros | November 27, 2023 | Done |
6 | Publication on the website of the definitive conditions and technical specifications, for the presentation and sending of quotations by interested suppliers. | Monómeros | November 30, 2023 | Done |
7 | Deadline (Last day) to send the Budget Quotation together with answers to the queries listed in Annex 2 to the e-mail: | Interested Suppliers | December 18, 2023 | Done |
To participate in this Market Research, interested parties should follow the steps below:
If you would like more information about this market research, please contact us by email at